Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Evaluation Question 4 + 5

Who would be the audience for your media products? How did you attract/address your audience?

Before I began the task of creating my own magazine cover, contents and double page spread, I made sure to investigate an audience that I could appeal to in order to maintain a house style or theme throughout my products. To begin, I created a questionnaire and particularly focused on the gender and age feedback so I could have an idea of the type of person who may read my magazine. In my case, for my chosen genre of Pop-Rock, the majority of readers I've found will be female, specifically older teens. I could then base my future decisions about my music magazine on the fact that a large percentage of my readers will be female, but also keeping into consideration my male audience. 

Investigating gender

Investigating age
I also created an audience profile so that I had something to base my decisions from when it came to appealing to my readers:

How did you attract/address your audience?

In terms of my media products, particularly my front cover, I made sure to choose a strong main image with eye contact to engage and attract my audience that I have seen work with success in previous examples of professional magazines. The bright colours of white and dark purple would be eye catching to my consumers whilst appealing to both genders. For the image used in my contents, you can see a young musician holding a guitar with a focused expression that may be a source of inspiration for some readers and becomes an attractive asset to my magazine. As for my double page spread, a more fun choice of images with my model showing a happy and cheerful expression would become believable to my target audience whilst also making my artist/model a relateable figure for these younger adults. 

My overall professional and clean looking layouts throughout all of my media products would create a very readable and enjoyable magazine that would appeal to my people within my audience and I am confident that it could be successful. 

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