Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Front Cover Photoshoot

In order to decide which photograph to use for my main image on my magazine's front cover, I made sure to take multiple pictures that I could choose from. Below are a few examples that I went through, as well as my chosen photograph. 

This first photograph was one we experimented with to see if the lighting would work with this sort of image. I soon realised that it would be necessary to use the flash as it gave my model a more appropriate look for a magazine, appealing to the consumers and highlighting my representation of youth.

As you can see, the flash created a far more appealing picture and I liked how with her hand against her head this looked slightly more edgy and relatable to my Pop-Rock genre.

This photo was more straight on against the model, and although it showed a clean image with representations of youth, it was too simple for my magazine front cover. 

My last image was the one I chose to use in the end for my cover as it combined all of the aspects I liked including an edgy feel with direct eye contact which would appeal to the target audience, representations of youth and connotations of my Pop-Rock genre. To the right is the final picture I used after editing, which you can see is a lot cleaner and sharper, whilst the brighter contrast helps my magazine to stand out more.

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